

[Photos: Domen Pal/Aksioma]

Simple agents exhibit complex behaviour. On its way to the hive, a bee readies its sensory experience, preparing it to be extended onto others. The twitch of the wings, the turn of the body, clockwise, then counterclockwise. Culture holds an innate ability to be made into a plan.

The other bees gather and observe. The dance grants the bee the ability to acquire targets, carry out reconnaissance and share its findings. All with precision in numbers. It is general reactivity before conscious planning. Self-organisation comes by way of sensorimotor exchange and pheromonal tracing, randomness or error amplified until emerging as structure.

The swarm enters the fray of life as soon as the environment outscales the agent’s ability to comprehend it. Swarm Entry echoes it in this endeavour.

It joins it in the strategic delight of dance, the movement of self-organising, of the principles that draw structure out of chaos. Foremost a headspace, it merges the movement of bodies with that of pieces of information and its inherent processes of thought, leaving behind the intuitive notion of the mind as an individualised enclosure. Within it, simple agents carry out complex manoeuvres and tasks. Our sensorimotor skills reacting before consciously planning. Reflexive movements become strategies and plans. Experiences automatised. Extending collective reach.

Vid Koprivšek graduated from Ljubljana’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design in painting and is about to complete the MA programme Video and New Media. He works at the intersection of digital and physical media – of contemporary painting and sculpture practices, computer graphics and intermedia installations. He has received the Academy’s Prešeren Prize for his BA thesis. In addition to the Polymer Ooze project, created with Matej Mihevc and exhibited at the DobraVaga gallery (2022), Koprivšek’s work has been presented in several group exhibitions: Terminal Drift at the MoTA LAB (2022), Ni belega platna at Mala galerija BS (2020) and Looking Forward at the DLUL Gallery (2022).

Domen Ograjenšek is a writer, critic and curator of contemporary visual art. They are a former member of the ŠUM Journal editorial board and its research collective, and they have given lectures and seminars at art institutions such as the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC Ljubljana), the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Škuc Gallery, PhaseBook Prague, Nova Pošta and the International Festival of Computer Art (IFCA). Their reviews and essays have been published in magazines and online platforms such as PASSE-AVANT, Artalk, Blok Magazine, Fotograf Magazine, all-over Magazine, ETC. Magazine, Maska Magazine, ŠUM Journal, Borec Journal, Tribuna and Radio Študent. They have curated exhibitions at the Museum of Madness Trate, SCCA-Ljubljana, Aksioma Project Space, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (as a member of the Neteorit collective), Center for Contemporary Arts Celje (Likovni salon) and Škuc Gallery. They are based in Vienna.

[Text: Domen Ograjenšek]

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